Lake Wausau Association

Lake Wausau Association, Inc. - Standing Committees

Executive Committee
Shall act on behalf of, and with the authority of, the entire Board of Directors, to the extend so authorized by the Board of Directors. When acting within this authority, formal minutes shall be kept on all meetings. A copy of such minutes shall be furnished to each officer and director on the Board within 30 days of any meeting at which such action was approved.

Finance Committee
Shall prepare an annual budget for approval of the Board of Directors, recommend and/or organize fund-raising activities, annually audit, or cause to be audited by a distinterested firm or person[s] the financial accounts of the Association, and periodically review and report to the Board of Directors the budgetary status of the Association.

Membership Committee
Shall initiate and coordinate actions to gain new members and to regain members in arrears. The committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors action on application for new memberships when there is any doubt as to meeting the qualifications for membership.

Civic Affairs Committee
Shall attend and report on meetings of the town board, the school board, and when appropriate, the county board. The committee shall be entitled to speak for the Association at such meetings when another elected officer is not present to speak. The committee shall make recommendations to the Board of all proposals for legislation or administrative rules, which fall under the charter of standing committee.

Weed and Algae Control Committee
Shall recommend action to control weed and algae, organize and supervise control activities conducted by the Association, coordinate Association control activies with public officials and riparian property owners, and report on progress to the Board of Directors and general membership.

Zoning and Pollution Control Committee
Shall attend town and county public hearings relating to zoning, drinking water, and sanitation in the vicinity of Lake Wausau, speak for the Association at such meetings whn another officer is not present to do so, coordinate with public officials and proerty owners on current or potential zoning or pollution and other water quality criteria, and report conditions and progress to the Board of Directors and general membership.

Recreation and Lake Use Committee
Shall attend town and county public meetings relating to recreational and other lake use on Lake Wausau, obtain information from and communicate Association concerns to law enforcement, DNR, and other public officials relating to fishing and boating on Lake Wausau, organize and/or assist in boating safety and fish stocking/habitat activities, and report conditions and progress to the Board of Directors and general membership.

Written by Rob on Sunday April 19, 2015
Permalink - Category: committees
